Did You Know That You're Paying Way Too Much for Inbound Freight Shipments?

The average company spends more than 40 percent of its annual freight budget on inbound freight. Crazy, right?

But for some odd and unexpected reason, most recipients of inbound freight let their vendors and suppliers dictate inbound freight costs as a part of doing business with them.

In case you were wondering, vendors and suppliers do not pay the cost---you do! If freight costs are "included" in the product's price, do you think they're FREE?---think Amazon's "free" shipping.

On average, vendors and suppliers mark up freight costs by 10% to 15%, leaving you with lower profit margins.

Use OnShip to plug the "money leak" in your current inbound freight plan. Plus, gain 24/7 real-time visibility into all costs, and drive more revenues to your bottom-line!

Next Steps

1. Prepay inbound freight shipping costs with OnShip's national shipping rate discounts across dozens of reliable freight carriers

2. Change Prepaid and Add to Collect

3. Consolidate Freight. A final tactic to reducing inbound freight costs is to consolidate freight into larger shipments which reduce the risk of late deliveries.

OnShip offers a free evaluation of your inbound freight costs using your actual shipping data. The bottom line is that failure to audit your inbound freight costs negatively

impacts your profit margins and results in higher freight costs for you.
